This post provides an overview of all beers from Nevel. The beers Mattias makes are just too unique and beautiful […]
Sustainable Wild Beers by Nevel (The Netherlands)
After the recent visits to Belgian breweries, again time for another Dutch brewery. Not just a run-of-the-mill nano brewery producing […]
Lambic Beers Around the World, an Introduction
When you think of lambic beers you probably think about Belgium and the sour beers like gueuze, kriek, or other […]
Lambic Hike through the Senne Valley
On a beautiful sunny Saturday in Brussels, I set out for a hike through the Senne Valley. Walking 17 kilometers […]
Brouwerij Halve Tamme (The Netherlands)
As a Dutchie, I’m always especially interested in breweries in the Netherlands that make wild beer. After my visits to […]
Jopenbier Back From Extinction
Lambic is the only historical beer based on spontaneous fermentation that exists to this day? Think again. Before the commercialization […]
My First Steps Blending at Home
After meeting some lambic brewers and gueuze blenders, like Toon from Vandenbroek, John from ‘t Pomphuizeke, and many others I […]
Brasserie de la Senne (Belgium)
The best cure for a hangover is? Right, another beer to smoothen the sharp edges. So, on a Sunday afternoon, […]
Backlog Beer Review April, May, June, and July
With all visits to breweries, interviews, and regular life and work still going on, a significant backlog of small posts […]
The 4 Best Wild Beer Stores in Brussels
Being the capital of Belgium, it’s not surprising that it’s easy to get your beer fix here in Brussels in […]