Welcome to Beers Gone Wild

Beers Gone Wild

Welcome to Beers Gone Wild! The place for lovers of all things beer and spontaneous fermentation. You are reading here the first post in what will hopefully be a long series of articles.

Why this blog? I love beer, especially beer created by spontaneous fermentation or wild yeasts. I also love writing and was looking to do something more creative in addition to my regular office job. This blog will be the place where I will share with you my discovery of the wild fermented beer world. What this will look like? In the future, I expect to post reviews, interviews, reports of visits to breweries, and other articles about wild fermented beer such as history or the brewing process, for example.

My passion for wild fermented beers started several years ago when I lived in Belgium for a few months during my student days for an internship. Attracted by a small green champagne bottle among the beers in the supermarket, I then bought my first wild fermented beer, ‘Oude Geuze’ by Boon.

Wild fermented beers can often, but certainly not always, be characterised by their sour taste. An underrated flavour as far as I’m concerned. Add to that sour taste the depth and ‘funkyness’ often found in these types of beers, and you have, in my opinion, a perfect beer! One of the best-known types of this beer is probably gueuze. However, besides the traditional gueuze from Belgium, there are many other such beers that are at least as tasty! In future posts, I will undoubtedly elaborate on these.

A new entry will appear at least every month. Want to stay informed about the latest updates? Follow me on Instagram by clicking the icon at the bottom of the page!

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